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My Accounting Result
Anaptyxiakos Kyklos through the Financial Reports platform offers in Real time the My Accounting Result application. Your company will be able to receive information on the following:
a) Accounting result (before depreciation, taxes, without inventory).
The route of financial metrics by month that summarizes results and sources of revenue, purchases and expenses by category and identifies earnings before depreciation and taxes and excluding inventory. The possibility of comparison within the last two years is also provided.
b) Monitoring the Budget based on the results.
Presentation of results per month based on the Budget, in order to control deviations and take preventive/corrective actions.
c) Financial Indicators of economic progress and sustainability.
Presentation of financial indicators of the last two years and performance level of the various activities of the economic unit, with the aim of the most rational exploitation of its means of actions.
Visit: Financial Report